Friday, November 18, 2011

Peruvian Fruiteria

Welcome to the Fruiteria around the corner from the office.

To get there, we have to pass by The Embassy of the United States of America...which is just across the street. After I shot about five rounds, the local yokeros crossed the street to tell me not to photo the Embassy. I told them..."Soy Unidencia y Soy de donde Estados Unidos."  They didn't care..that I was an American and from the United States.

It is a windy day, but if you look close at the next photo, you can see the outline of the Andes in the background....

Has anyone out there ever tasted a CHIRIMOYA?
It is big, green, and ugly...but when you cut into it, the color is creamy white.
Its flavor is like nothing you can imagine...but I will try to describe it for you...
Ten times sweeter than a ripe pear.
Smooth and creamy as an over-ripe banana.
Smells like clover honey.
The flavor is like mango, guava, pineapple, banana, and apple all in one fruit.
It is the favorite fruit of Chileans...

Hola! My name is Carmelita and I work in the Fruiteria...  "Please, let me cut some fruit for you?"  She is thinking..."and because you are a gringa....I will charge you TEN TIMES THE PRICE!"

 My Incan princess was watching out for me!

Here she is cutting what my Incan princess calls "JUNGLE FRUIT." She does not know the name of this, but it was differnt...white, juicy and sweet.

I think I have seen these in the martkets that cater to Central Americans in Houston.

Next we have the Granadilla...
It smells very much like a mango, but when you pick it up, it is light as air.
When Jennifer opened it up with her fingers, inside there was a pulpy, seedy center. Each large seed was surrounded by an even larger, clear gelatinous pulp. Jennifer couldn't tell me in English how I needed .to eat this, but she motioned with her fingers...indicating by stroking her throat that I should just suck it out of its container and then let it slide on down...not chewing the seeds. The seeds are good for digestion, so she said.
Hmmm....  Unusual flavor...  The Peruvians mash this watery pulp to give their babies for colic. Interesting...  So far, I have eaten at least five of these fruits off the breakfast bar. Not dead yet...

Next I spied a lemon! The one this I could recognize. This is not the standard limon cevichera that I have seen before. This beautiful lemon is like a squatty peach...dense, but mild.

Here is another fruit I have never seen before...a husk cherry.
It is bittersweet....but would make good cough syrup! UGH! Phew phew....
I will write more on the fruits of South America. There is the mysterious Guanabana, which will be in season this coming January. As I discover, I will post. It is only fair!

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