Sunday, February 12, 2012

Parque de Amor

What an interesting day....
Miguel and I went to the Inka Market Center to check on a rug I am having made. On the way, we chatted about work, engineering, etc... There was an article in the local rag mag about the percentage of Peruvians who are happy with their life.....about 65%. So we chatted about that as well. I asked him if he was happy driving a which he told me that it was better than working as a Manager of Accounting for a large distribution company in Trujillo!
WHAT!!!  My taxi driver has a Master's degree in Accounting from the University of Lima! I couldn't stop laughing....what a surprise! He is working on building his own fleet of taxis.... 
His brother is an electrical engineer with Hatch Engineering here in Lima.

We took a detour back to the hotel and drove by Larcomar by the sea. There is a park near this big shopping center that Miguel wanted me to see. Since it was bright, sunny day, we decided to walk about and enjoy the view. This is the entrance to the park...
The rest of the photos speak for themselves...enjoy.

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