Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bring in the Corn!

Chileans call corn "Choklo." I could not understand why it was not called "Maiz" like everywhere else in Latin America. But now I know!
Choklo is a specific kind of corn...a kind that I have never seen. Take a look at this! Each cob is about the size of my upper arm....
Look close to see the tow sack full of limon cevichera behind the corn...
Each kernel of the Choklo is very large, about the size of a buffalo nickel.
I have seen Choklo served in Peruvian dishes and thought that it was plastic dividers between the food. But after pecking at it and pushing it around on my plate, I decided it was corn that had been cut from the cob. But, I did not know what kind it was until I saw it in the market!
If I were in New Mexico, I would think it would be used to make Posole, a green chile stew made with hominy (corn).

These are golden toasted "Canchitas" are an oily, dry salted snack of corn kernels that are not as hard as you would think...they are actually light and fluffy...

Purple corn is very special tothe  Peruvians. They make many things out of purple corn....including drinks and desserts.
Our Peruvian office manager, Haydee Maria Naveda, took me to lunch the first day I arrived in Peru. We went to eat Chifa, which is the Peruvian word for Chinese food. On the buffet was a blue corn pudding that she loved. She also ordered a blue corn drink to go with her meal. Here are photos of both below...
This pudding is a popular Peruvian dessert. Mazamorra Morada is sweet and delicious.
Chicha Morada is sweet blue corn drink that is served like juice over the rocks. It typically has cinnamon in it as well. Tasty...
The Golf Los Incas hotel has a travel magazine they put in your room. I noticed this drink while browsing through it the evening after my trip to the Chifa!
There is a receta (recipe) that you can see if you click on the second photo....  I would call this
Blue Corn Swamp Juice!
Highly potent...

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