Friday, December 9, 2011

Santiago Tour 1 - The Carabineros of Chile

Could there be any better way to introduce the Carabineros than this? Just click on the links below!
John Williams Star Wars? Nice!

Every Sunday the Banda de Guerras play in the Plaza de Armas in the center of Santiago at the pavilion. They are known as the "Orpheon National de Carabineros de Chile." In this video, they are played everything from Vallet Egipcio....Egyptian music from Star Wars. It was fabuloso!

How about some big band music?
Play that again Sam!

And here they are in full regalia! They are very they walk around the Plaza de Moneda for the President of Chile for the changing of the guard. I walked these same quadras...
Full Dress and riding boots...

There were many types of Carabineros to see that Sunday. The best was the one who came to attention and gave me a salute...even though I was not fast enough to catch his paw in the air!

At the Palacio de la Moneda, where the President of Chile offices, there are armed horsemen with horses in the service of the Carabineros....  I love horses and when I was asked to pose with them, the one on my right, leaned in close for a snuggly smell and a pat. He was looking for a snack after he snuffled my ear!

The locals call these motorcycle police....GI Joe Carabineros....
They are decked out like Ninja Turtles and are accompanied by several more a swarm of green, buzzing bees.... This one winked at me as he passed by, which delayed my ability to push the button fast enough to catch his grin!  South American men...such wonderful flirts!  :-)

Of course there are women in the police force as well...beautiful girls, no?

And this is the car most Carabineros drive...

Santiago is like most large cities...there are places that are very safe and some that are not...
The Carabineros are out and about and very visible...EVERYWHERE....

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