Saturday, December 10, 2011

El Boqueron del Diablo

South of Lima, there is a crack in the mountain wall where the sea comes through and spews itself into a tiny inlet inside the tiny seacoast hamlet of Pucusana. Pucusana is the home of "El Boqueron del Diablo"....Mouth of the Devil. It is also the home of the fishing fleet that supplies Lima with fresh seafood daily. I
What better way to introduce this lovely place than by video. You will have to look sideways....sorry about that. In the background, Jennifer is telling me I should film this! More photos are below...

 The Inlet
The View from the walkaround to the Shrine

 The Spew....
The Turistas...Marisol and Misha from Tucson, and Vickie...
See the shrine of the Virgin Mary dedicated to saving the fishermen from the devil of the sea.

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