Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mickey Dees...McDonalds Peru

I was afraid to go to McDonalds in Lima...but the one in the business district and across from the US Embassy is supposed to be ok.
Click on the photos to see what is on the menu (la carta)! The interesting photo is the one of the available sauces you can add to your sandwich...or put in a little cup to dip your pappas fritas in. They range from mildly spicy to OH BROTHER I SHOULD NOT HAVE TASTED THAT!!! At the urging of my assistant, I tried them all...that is why I know! LOL!

And then for dessert? Who would have thought that McDonalds would have this?

South American's love their coffee and desserts...
It doesn't matter what country you go to. Everybody has a sweet tooth!
And they are ALL delicious...

Bad Vickie...bad...think bad! LOL!

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