Friday, October 14, 2011

Arepitas de maiz...

Finally....something from home...yet so far away. This post is dedicated to my grandmother, whom I miss with all my heart. She would cook these to accompany fresh picked collards grown in her garden and touched by the first frost. I can see her standing in the kitchen now....ahh...the smell and taste of this arepita so far from home...brings back my childhood.
At home we call this "hot water cornbread" or sometimes cornpone.
I decided to try one of these familiar looking items today when I went to the little cafeteria by the office to have my daily serving of hot soup for lunch. The variety of soup changes daily, but the preparation is the same....a puree of many different things.
Yesterday I had a lovely concoction of butternut squash and today was carne con verduras (beef and vegetables). All of it was pureed....with a sprinkle of cheese and croutons on top. Delicious... Hits the spot when it is cold outside and I am tired...
The Euro-Chilean woman at the counter who is my age has been very friendly. I like her and she is starting to talk to me in the little English she knows. Sometimes when the sun is shining, I will sit in the sun at one of these tables, which are typically everywhere and jammed with people enjoying their almuerzo (lunch)...just to watch the people come out of the subway stop.
I will eat these more often now, as I sit in the sun, and remember....
Thank you instilled your love of travel in me and I carry it everywhere I go.

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