Sunday, October 2, 2011

Green Lemon!

This is the best lemon ever...and is NOT a lime.

Over dinner with the client this past week, he ordered a few cut up lemons to show me what they were like. The taste was beyond I squeezed some in my soup, on my food, and in my wine. Delicioso fabuloso!
I took this one home in my pocket to save some seeds for planting when I get into my apartment. They will grow here in Santiago, but no further south.
In Peru, this citrus is know as Limon it is the primary citrus used in their popular ceviche....a seafood dish that is cooked in lemon juice. Excellente!
In Chile, this lemon is known as Limon Pica....and the Chileans use it in their popular drink they stole from Peru known as Pisco Sour. I have had the Pisco Sour...very different. It is made with whipped egg whites, limon cevichera, some kind of Peruvian liquor and a dash of Angosturas on top. Very nice...but it can kick your #@$$!
Come enjoy a Pisco Sour with me!

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