Monday, October 3, 2011

Scenes from Parque Arauco

Parque Arauco! It is an outdoor and indoor mall....lots of outdoor cafes, gelaterias, coffee shops, entertainment, and indoor upscale department stores similar to Saks, Lord & Taylor, etc...
Across the street is a HomeCenter...just like Home Depot. Only the Chileans call it Homey Center....since every vowel is pronounced!

Each weekend either the organ grinder or the accordian man plays at the outdoor mall. The music is quite entertaining and is part of the culture. Sometimes the parrot sings....Chilean Karaoke!

Here I am overlooking the lower level from an upper outdoor Korean Fusion Cafe. If you look close in this photo, you can see a sphinx in the background. There is a King Tut "mock" exhibit at the mall that replicates the tour exhibit....  I want to go in there just to see what they are displaying.
So now I can have my double meat hamburger, no lettuce,
no onion, extra tomato, extra pickle when I am feeling
homesick. Lots of shopping done that day...but I ended up buying only a couple of things...and nothing for me.
I found I actually needed a few space aliens to keep me company!
Wonder who I could give these to? Hmmmmm.....let me think.....

Overall, a great place to shop....but only if you can afford the prices!

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