Friday, October 14, 2011

Lima...The City of Buses

This Sunday, October 16, 2011, I travel back to Peru for seven days. Here are a few photos I took on my last trip....
Everywhere there are buses...driving to and fro at all hours of the day...and night! I was astounded by their numbers. Traffic does not crawls as the buses wedge themselves into our lane. They remind me of worker ants...large and imposing, carrying leaves four times their size.
All of them are unregulated regarding the fumes from these millions of buses fill the air.
Notice the bluish color of the air....cough cough cough....
You can see the "traffic lites" attempting to direct traffic and cover their mouth at the same time.

This Policia saluted as a captain trotted by on a horse.

Need to go to Arequipa late at night? They have a bus for you!
But if you thought you would be riding would be wrong...

This is a photo of the business district while I walked, trying not to breathe, from the hotel to the client office. You can see that there is not much wind to make the flag stand at attention. An occasional breeze would make it I stood there a bit waiting to catch this next photo.

Here is the last photo I made of the foothills of the Andes before the police asked me not to photograph their mountains. After the ride through the city, I am now wondering if all those clouds are not as a result of the ocean air.... See for yourself!

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