Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween soup

We had a team meeting last night at the Golf Los Incas hotel restaurant.
Mi compadres and I, due to logistics, had decided yesterday to change hotels to avoid the morning traffice, since the "Golf" was only a 5 minute ride in the morning.
HOWEVER...after dinner last night, I decided that moving to the new hotel would be a BIG MISTAKE.
Why you ask?
I ordered crab soup for dinner last night....the cost was $40 Solis....about $15 USD.
Con copa de vino y un postre (with a tiny glass of wine and a piece of cheesecake) the total bill was $90 Solis.....about $32 USD.
This is what was delivered to the table.... It contained slices of "Pulpa" (octopus), two scallops, two shrimps, and a lot of octopus ink. YUM....NOT!

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