Sunday, October 2, 2011

Which to drive?

I went yesterday to find a car...something to drive while in Santiago...and to take to the mountains skiing in winter. I went to a monstrous metroplex and found a couple of vehicles that might do! Parking in Santiago is terrible. The spaces are sized for Euro cars such as the Citroen and Peugot. They have Chinese cars here as well, but who would want to be in an accident in one of those! NOT ME!  The negotiations begin Monday...and the company will buy this for me. If I want the run about, I will have to buy....this would be so much fun!
Something interesting to note...very few drivers in Chile ever use the horn. It is considered impolite. Yet, to be first, the Chilean driver will run over you if you step out when the cross walk light is green and the driver is trying to make the light. I learned this morning to "WAIT" ten seconds and look before launching!

This is big enough to haul ALL your luggage! COME ON DOWN!
Jeep Grand Cherokee, 70th Anniversary Edition, with ALL the bells and whistles

I would love to have one of these little Peruvian run abouts! So easy to park... They call them tuk tuks in India...

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